Powell Mold Services We're proud to offer the following mold inspection, asbestos testing, and environmental testing services in and around the Powell, TN area.
About Us
The founder, Travis Reeves, believes in educating individuals, companies, and others on all things related to mold. The mold industry today is the wild, wild west. Anyone today can claim to be a mold expert with little experience or certifications due to relaxed state regulations. These claims can lead to misdiagnosing problems which can in turn cost clients thousands of dollars in costly re-mediation and preventative measures. It is our duty to help clients understand how to prevent mold growth, understand the issue at hand, and resolve the problem in the most cost efficient way. There are many “miracle” products on the market today that claim to kill mold and consumers are being misled. It is important to correct the source of the problem, identify contaminated areas, and report the proper protocols to ensure that it does not come back. It is imperative that you have an experienced mold inspector on your side when confronted with mold issues.
Fully Certified

Get Started Today - Just Call Us Call us today and we'll be happy to give you more information about our mold inspection and asbestos testing services.
Frequently Asked Questions If you don't see your question answered below, please call us and we'll be happy to answer them directly. (865) 617-0708
Knoxville, TN 37919